Andrea pichinini twitter. 2. Andrea pichinini twitter

 2Andrea pichinini twitter  Console fanboys (mainly on the PS side) are the only people who are ok, and even defend paying more”Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini

Sucks being a PS fanboy this year 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹”We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Nobody forces you to have access to more games for a much lower price. 😹😹😹😹 You got fooled just like Jaayrock fooled many of you with a fake Gamertag 💀💀💀💀 Congratulations 😘”MS and their lawyers basically slapped the CMA lawyers really hard and made them look like total rookies CMA has everything against them. . “@Edwardianscrip1 @XboxGamePass Imagine being such a virgin who can't even distinguish between 2 different women. Andrea PichininiLa misma petición que los fans de PS debieron hacer para que Final Fantasy 16 corriera a 60fps en el modo rendimiento. But one thing you won't be able to do is to play it on PS5. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. 16 Jul 2023 18:41:16Horizon 2 Aloy's girlfriend says "bye Xbox" (Spoiler: she doesn't/didn't have an Xbox Series X|S) Xbox actresses like Jen Taylor (Cortana) or Melina Juergens (Senua) doesn't need to do something like this. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . And you're the one who came here cry about someone else's preference because it hurts you that others don't choose your copy/pastes 😭😭😭“@DaReelSebas We aren't talking about exclusive games that are on one platform. He never said Starfield wasn't going to be exclusive 6. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. I love great videogames. Better conditions for ABK workers 2. You can keep paying $70 for every game, or not play any game at all to not support any big company. 3. 13 Jul 2023 17:05:56Literally". 15 Jul 2023 13:25:28Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Playstation has finally announced their showcase. Pero no lo hicieron UNA LÁSTIMA JUGAR A 30FPS EN MODO RENDIMIENTO 😭Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini My gamer profile. RT @danttstgs: that would be me. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini The Last of Us Multiplayer was first delayed in 2019 They wanted to make it standalone game Now 2023 delayed again and in the verge of being cancelled (not meeting the desired quality) Ironically, Days Gone 2 could have released already, but Sony cancelled itAndrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Actually PS showcase is 60 min while Xbox Showcase is 90 min + Starfield direct. I can do the same in Forza horizon 5 🙃”Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Mi perfil gamer. Will be May 24 The fact that this comes 16 days BEFORE the #Xbox showcase is just perfect 😏👌"More gamers are playing Forspoken than Redfall. Nintendo Switch + Xbox. I made it clear. Excited about Fable 3. Right?<style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . PS fanboys trying to criticise this when they defended TLOU2 not having MP 3 years later is hypocrisy. Forza Horizon 5 already has the best graphics of any racing game to date. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. 1a. Conversation. Likes. Xbox can make them all exclusive as long as COD remains multiplat. Yes. Most of these were on xbox too, you know you're sad when you have to put games like bugsby to fit your narrative. Replying to. This is the real Me. Andrea Pichinini 07 Oct 2022 13:21:32 14 Sep 2022 18:18:02 13 Oct 2022 00:54:23 07 Oct 2022 15:44:10 86 Followers, 24 Following, 9 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Andrea Pichinini (@andreapichinini) The latest Tweets from Andrea Piccinini (@andypiccinini): "Sign up. I have a series S due to it being cheaper, and if i HAD to buy every game i ever wanted to play, id get 2 games a year, birthday and xmas, and if i didn't like them, too bad. Remember when PSfanboys tried to make fun of Starfield NPC character models? 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 #FFXVI #Starfield“@Thaddi2Keyshawn Wow! Huge multiplat franchises with a long history of titles launching on several consoles before MS took them away. 30M players - Obsidian: Grounded 15M players. 14 Jul 2023 17:21:16. Xbox acquisitions truly made IGN go out of the closet and reveal their true self 🙃Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini As a gamer who will get to play all ABK titles on Gamepass, Is not my problem if you don't like it 🙃 None of you complained in 25 years of Sony PS buying exclusives left and right“@loftipixels Same can be said about Playstation: 30 Versions of TLOU. 13 Jul 2023 23:27:48. Andrea PichininiAndrea Pichinini on Twitter: "5. Make a tweet stating that You and MS are still commited to make and deliver high quality games. Yes there it is: Xbox fans has the right to criticise this situation with Redfall. I am Argentinan I tweeted about this exclusively from a gamer perspective And what I said there is exactly what the congressman said. “@eurogamer STARFIELD really makes you salty 😹😹😹😹😹 Star Wars O is much smaller. Because most of them had a PS1 as their first console and they have an unconditional love for PS They are willing to protect Sony PS dominance at any costs. Jun 22. Also gaming media does everything they can. Some big ones. Are Xbox fans hurt about FF16? I don't know. . And looks better and sharper on Xbox. 😜 / Twitter Andrea Pichinini See new Tweets. Seems like MS is trying to help the CMA to avoid public embarrassment Am I understanding all his correctly, @FOSSpatents ?" 7. Good day Xbox players 😊💚 Big news for Xbox Showcase!! All 1st party games will be shown in-game or in-engine No full CGI for 1st party titles 2 hours duration (including the Starfield direct) ZERO movie or TV series trailers All 100% GAMES, GAMES AND GAMES!Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Please listen to the Arabic Xbox fans who are requesting #Starfield localisation to Arabic language. It's like McDonalds. What a joke andrea stop defending Xbox till they delay the dead on arrival redfall then we can focus on the positives and the prospect of xbox being a competitor. No wonder why PS cultists get laughed at all the time 😹😹😹😹”RT @FOSSpatents: That filing by the FTC lists the names of 20 FTC attorneys, showing that the agency does not care about wasting taxpayers' money on the pursuit of this pet project instead of setting priorities that would be more beneficial to American consumers. 16. #TheXboxXperience My Twitter is for videogames only. TLOU MP only had a concept-art screenshot KOTOR: no gameplay. . Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Or hear me out: Tell Sony to stop being cheap and buy SquareEnix, pay the workers salaries, fund the 100% of the games developments and finally earn the right to brag about FF as exclusive. How about Sony stops paying to lock big multilat franchises away from Xbox, and invests only on their own first party studios? You PS fanboys are happy to brag about FF16 as PS5 exclusive when PS Studios had nothing to do with the creation of that game or franchise. ·. Starfield has 100 times more freedom, gameplay elements and. gangatron . . So indies are cool now, after you PS fanboys keep despising them on Xbox?“@wheremydebate @8kPegasus @GamerGeekHawk @gcplathunter @OmoiteS @smittytibbs @Stonethecrows0x @ymnis_v1 @TrueGamer1111 @Nick_Marseil The only thing you got caught is your own obsession about Xbox players. Translate Tweet. I cover part of my face for obvious reasons I'm not a model or teenager. And yes: he has made mistakes. “@Razorcreed7 When all those things raise in price, nobody is ok with it. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Re-played the same 10 hour loop over and over again because you have no new games 😹 😹 😹 😹 😹 😹 😹 😹 😹Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. I haven't seen any of them writting a whole Tome of grief as PSfanboys with Xbox Activision deal. “@DavidRC87 @oliver_drk My point still stands: SquareEnix is struggling with lots of financial issues and had to sell several studios. Literally. He's an obsessed PS fanboy. I'm on my 30s The difference of a man and a woman's face, eyes I would question the IQ and mental state of anyone caliming that I am a man, let alone that guy. Amazing (potential) crossovers: Banjo+Crash, Crash Team Racing with all Xbox characters 4. Andrea Pichinini on Twitter: "This is a congratulation to all fathers. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. “@ThePinkTacox @gioforever On Xbox we have new games this year. Hincha de los videojuegos geniales. Gamer profile. Didn't say anything about you. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Andrea PichininiAndrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. My Xbox doesn't crash or overheat, so I'm good. LMAO!! Jim Ryan demanded much more, travelled all around the world putting a desperate show and uncovered all the dirty Sony deals Only to end up coming back in his knees to receive much less. . Gamepass Core has +25 games PS+ Essentials had the PS Plus collection. I'm officially opening my ONLY FANS! In this thread I will explain why I'm doing this, and the details of what I will be offering to those interested Also some first images 😏 (Cont 👇)”Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Jim Ryan: "We have timed exclusivity content deals on Call of Duty games to convince players to chose PS, but Phil Spencer offer of keeping COD on PS was innadecuate" 🙃 🙃 🙃Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. No release date. You pay $70 for one game on PS5. If you insist on that, then you're slandering out of hate”Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Xbox-haters call us "corporate shills" "paid bots" etc for liking, enjoying and taking about all the great things Xbox has They really expect us to say "Xbox dead. MS believes they have an arrangement to clear the cloud concerns and CMA resolve without looking bad 6. Por que siendo ese el caso el año de ps5 esta lleno de juego, o en que quedamos andrea? Otra vez te saldrá lo hipócrita y cambiaras de discurso? 3. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Sony confirms: PS Plus Extra + Premium (Gamepass + ultimate competitor) has 14M subscribers combined #XboxGamePass + Ultimate surpasses 30M After the Activision acquisition is completed and all ABK titles come into. I dont spend every second of my life on twitter like you do You’re a middle aged woman and your only purpose in life now is to farm console wars , i would hate to have a life as worthless as that. What happened this time then? The FF16 gang didn't come to help you? 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 Hidding the ratio 😭😭😭😭 . Xbox Showcase: After all the Redfall and negative media campaign on Xbox you absolutely need to nail the Showcase: Don't exceed showing too many indies anyone can play elsewhere Show several big top-tier system seller titles that make more gamers want to get Xbox+GamepassI tweeted something positive about Xbox (without mentioning anything PS) And the comments already filled with salty PS fanboys who spend more time searching anything Xbox to cry about than playing any game on PS5 😹😹😹😹😭😭😭😭This is not about "out-consoling Sony or Nintendo" It's about bringing more and more players to the Xbox/Gamepass ecosystem and giving your loyal userbase the best gaming experience so we all feel happy and satisfied for choosing Xbox and not missing out from other platforms. So according to Smoove an actual game designer who created games like OG Worlds of Warcraft, Diablo 2 and StarCraft would be a terrible addition to gaming community. Not anymore since Sony removed it 💀💀💀. “@gavineyard Does it look like we need them? 😹😹😹😹😹😹 PS won't have Stafield, Hellblade 2, Indiana Jones, Fable, Perfect Dark, Gears 6, State of Decay 3, Wolfenstein 3, Forza Horizon, Clockwork Revolution, etc etc 😘”“The ABK CMA CAT situation What I understand: 1. . Part 3: Final blow . 70. What the hell is wrong with these companies and their "optimization"??? Res drops to 720p and 30fps on "performance mode" for a game like this is just depressing I truly hope this doesn't become a common thing on most games this gen. BREAKING After being acquired by Sony PS, Bungie is having massive layoffs. Of course you didn't know because you think everything is PS exclusive 💀 💀 💀With the cancellation of the E3 Now #Xbox + Bethesda + Activision will be the new E3 Other "summer events" didn't come close to what E3 did in the past. On FH5 looks far more detailed and realistic. 17 Jul 2023 15:09:15. 1. Seriously. RT @AndreaPichinini: Let me help you. They are just trying to delay the appeal in hopes that the Activision merger falls apart. - Xbox still outperforms PS5 and has more 120fps games - 9 countries approved the deal - Phil has given us one great 1st party game this year (Hi Fi Rush) Jim Ryan zero. Redirecting to /i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2FAndreaPichinini Andrea Pichinini on Twitter: "5. And deserves to be criticised, held accountable, and feedback delivered to him. I am not homophobic and that wasn't the point of the tweet. @AndreaPichinini. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini She/Her. You think Xbox buying one publisher (Activision) would make it a "monopoly"? THIS is what monopoly looks like: YouTube abuses with. Hahahaha my good catfish, I'm not talking about what a game looks like, but about all the garbage they're selling and the smoke they swallow every year, I hope 2024 will play Fallout 5 🤣 🤣 🤣We are a response. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Getting this amount of likes, This amount of reactions, And someone with that many followers commenting under my tweet is the biggest W I could have hoped for 😍 😍 😍 😍 👌Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini My gamer profile. You mean FF16. Conversation. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini That's just informational (for anyone interested) And I wouldn't have known about this game or wouldn't have known if it was good, if it wasn't for GP That's one of the great benefits of Gamepass 🙃Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. this is all i need to see to come to that conclusion lol you spend your entire life on twitter as a middle aged woman what do you tell the family that you do in your late years at the dinner table? yikessss lol. . @realonenonly · Jun 22. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. With Sony PS Incompetent leadership and 100% focus on COD, now Bungie risks facing a similar fate as Japan Studio (closed in 2021) in the futureAndrea Pichinini on Twitter: "Nope. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. . See new Tweets The latest Tweets from Andrea Piccinini (@AndreaPiccinini): "I giocatori passano, la Juve resta! ⬜️⬛️⬜️⬛️⬜️⬛️" 07 Oct 2022 13:21:3214 Sep 2022 18:18:0213 Oct 2022 00:54:2307 Oct 2022 15:44:10Found. I don't tell anyone else they are wrong or right playing on PC or Xbox 🙃Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. " 100 times more gamers liked that cheap click-bait Tweet than the gamers actually playing the game 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹Phil: - I'm excited for Starfield, Forza Motorsport, Hellblade 2 later this year - We have The Coalition and Rare helping Arkane to fix Redfall - We are positive with the Activision acquisition. Thank you andrea. 46. MiCRoshOfT wiLL MaKKe CaLL oF dUTy wOrSee. 9:11 PM · Jul 18, 2023 ·. 15 Jul 2023 01:55:35RT @AndreaPichinini: #3 Just a few minutes ago . Andrea Pichinini on Twitter: "Two types of Xbox players 🙂". 15 Jul 2023 15:26:00These incredibly unprofessional, unethical, Anti-Xbox gaming sites with no journalistic integrity are the ones who decide which games are nominated at The Game Awards. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. ** Achievement unlocked** 20k followers (About hundred of those are actually haters, but whatever) Changes coming to my tweeting: More focused on Xbox news/stuff Will avoid talking PS unless absolutely necessary (I'll still do some memes, comparisons and expose gaming media)Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Not future games, not even from the same franchise. Mi perfil gamer. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. MS agrees to stick to the original case (block because of cloud concerns) 5. Replying to @ExcEnthusiast. Now in the congress being ACCUSED of squandering the US people's taxes on an absurd campaign. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. Replying to. Hey Bethesda fans: Would you be ok if Elder Scrolls VI was more linear and had more hours of cinematic cutscenes than raw gameplay? 1:50 PM · Jul 10, 2023. ·. “Today I'm happy to announce a new phase of my life. Replying to @D3MoNs_FaTh3rPR @Odins_Mead. Even him 🤭🤭🤭🤭RT @AndreaPichinini: Someone's coping really hard! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 . Yet you chose to try and clown one of them with the initial tweet 🙃“@wd_zty You keep repeating the same clownery because you have no IQ to talk gaming. That's just a desperate comeback attempt when intelligence to debate about videogames is lacking 😌 Typical PS zealot move: Personal attacksNvidia is now supportive of the Activision Blizzard acquisition. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Just don't understand why they made Jonah Afroamerican when he's pacific islander (Tomb Raider 1 and Shadow got it right)”Getting this amount of likes, This amount of reactions, And someone with that many followers commenting under my tweet is the biggest W I could have hoped for 😍 😍 😍 😍 👌BREAKING After being acquired by Sony PS, Bungie is having massive layoffs. 11:25 PM · Jul 17, 2023. Dear @Microsoft @Xbox @XboxP3. 16 Jul 2023 14:24:17. I can prove you wrong quite easily: Both games has volcanic rock formations. Me playing Starfield and Indiana Jones on my Xbox and Gamepass day one. . Y al menos a 1080p. You cannot rush games to launch broken Make lots of 3rd party exclusivity deals. GamingGlendrix. Neither the FTC or any other regulator has given almost any concern to all other ABK games. I can accept Gamepass be $1 more just because of the tremendous value, all the big day one releases, including a game we couldn't ever dreamed to be in a subscription serv day one (Starfield) And the prospect of having Activision titles on GP But NOT the console I condemn this. Both Xbox and PS can do the exact same thing, but they will make Xbox look "bad" and PS look "good"Every time these clowns tell me that I don't play games or I am "less gamer" I respond to them with this, and literally none of them could even tell this is a reference to a videogame! 😹😹😹😹😹 And that's how they pretend to tell me anything about being a gamer 🤭🤭🤭🤭“@raisedeyebrowe Delete your account and stop being a loser”Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. PSVR2 is dead on arrival Only 600k units for 38M consoles Huge. If the block was denied, technically Microsoft could complete the Acquisition in the next few days. Seems Lina Khan doesn't care about the facts She and her crew just want to impose their own will no matter what @Microsoft must be aware of thisAndrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini After +25 years of Playstation PAYING to make exclusive tons of 3rd party games they DIDN'T MAKE suddenly people care so much when MS Xbox does it 🤡 🤡 🤡 #HypocrisyHasNoLimitsAndrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. RT @AndreaPichinini: Let me help you. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. See the hypocrisy? 🙃”Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Finished #PlanetOfLana Beautiful 2d drawn graphics Great platforming+Puzzle gameplay (reminds me to classic Pitfall games) Mute yet emotional story Controlling flying drones is a pain Short campaign Xbox launch exclusive Day one Gamepass My Review: 9. Andrea PichininiAndrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Hellblade 2 Starfield Redfall Outer Worlds 2 I have lost count of how many Xbox games PSfanboys keep begging on a daily basis 🤭 🤭 🤭Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Dude, just leave social networks and go outside. Console fanboys (mainly on the PS side) are the only people who are ok, and even defend paying more”Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Xbox has signed a deal with Nvidia to bring all Xbox games (that are on PC) to Nvidias Cloud Gaming Service; Geforce Now, eliminating previous competition concerns in. . “@realonenonly @shierkuh I only upload gameplay when there's something funny or interesting to show. See new Tweets. 2a. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Re-evaluating the case based on Sony's COD deal would take longer for MS to close the deal”Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Alright, you asked for it, clown: I recently finished the same game as you, but contrary to you: I actually did all the shrines. Andrea is savage and makes lots of pony bots cry on a daily basis and I love it! Make them cry more Andrea it makes my day. Conversation. Views. See? It's your preference.